Wednesdays 11:30am
Sundays 9am
Welcome to St. George’s Episcopal Church in Valley Lee -- one of two campuses of Resurrection Parish. Our other campus is Ascension in Lexington Park. We are also partnered with All Saints, Oakley Parish in Avenue. St. George’s has been serving the people of God since 1638.
The mission of Resurrection Parish is to be a Rising Church for the Risen Christ. We are an inclusive community of the Jesus Movement within The Episcopal Church, proclaiming Jesus’ good news in worship and witness.
All are always welcome at St. George's, Resurrection Parish. Come and see what the family of God is all about in Valley Lee!
faithfully in Christ,
The Rev’d Greg Syler
7am at Ascension
1130am at St. Georges
6pm at Ascension
9am at St George's
1045am at Ascension
6pm at St.Georges
12pm at Ascension
6pm at All Saints
9am at St. George's
10:45 at Ascension
1:00 at All Saints
Join us at St. George's at 11:00am for healing prayers and at 11:30 for the Eucharist.
Join us at Church of the Ascsnsion, Thursdays at 10am
At Church of the Ascension
19167 Poplar Hill Lane
PO Box 30
Valley Lee, MD 20692